Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Free stuff!!!

I'll be giving away several paperback copies (none of this e-book stuff) of my new book... just click LIKE on this page as details will be up shortly...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Why there are so many idiots in the universe

I think it is a common belief amongst most human beings that very few of the people around us have equal or greater intelligence than ourselves.  This is probably something that is built in since infancy as some sort of instinct, perhaps to let us know in times of danger that we shouldn't listen to anyone else as we generally know what's in our own best interest.

It is an interesting thing though, I think that most animals have this line of thinking even if they don't know they do, have you ever tried to convince a fish of something? It's a waste of time.

So my answer to why there are so many idiots in the universe: because we all think we know more than anyone else, making us essentially a society of idiots.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

When murder-suicides go wrong.

I read today about a man in a nearby village who botched his own suicide after attempting to murder his wife. I wonder what it must be like that he must now live on knowing he is so inept that he's incapable of successfully completing the simplest of tasks,  one that even small children are capable of... dying.

I suppose it is a good thing that such an inept person will be incarcerated and no longer be part of society, if for no other reason than the fact that he is of no use to anybody. The fact that he clearly has violent and anti-social tendencies is only a secondary advantage.

But the sad truth is that our society is filled with people who are no use to anyone, and are even bad for themselves, yet they are free to roam around being irritating, bothersome and generally inconsiderate on a daily basis. These people seem to get a high out of being environmentally destructive, offensive to the senses and even take joy in causing physical damage to other people as well as themselves.

The biggest difference between the moron psycho who's in jail and the people I just spoke of is that the psycho only attacked one person (two if you count himself) where as larger group is slowly killing people by the hundreds.

So when will we finally call smokers what they are: murderers?